Monday, May 16, 2005

Pig=Dying soon..
I went for my doctor just now.. He wanted to send me to the hospital because my throat was very serious infected... I keep saying no to him.. I hate staying in the hospital.. I hate it.. 4 days is like 2 years.. The time in hospital pass very slowly.. And he wanted to send me to Changi Hospital.. The worst hospital in the whole Singapore.. What the??... I just keep saying no and he was like consider whether should I be send to the hospital or no.. He agree not to send me to the hospital and give me two more days to see whether will my throat heal.. I am Glad.. I do not have to go to the Hospital.. He still wish to see me on Wednesday.. Sigh.. He say if by Wednesday if I am still not heal, he will really send me to the hospital.. My fever have not gone down yet and also my Throat.. Sigh.. I just hope that it will heal by todae or tommorrow..

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