Saturday, June 25, 2005

Pig=Freaking Idiot.
A Idiot. Thinking that I took his stuff and although he didnt say I took it, but the way he speaks was trying to call me to return his stuff or else. Ha. What am I suppose to return when I didnt even took it? You lost it, my fault? I am Not very Very poor. I can still afford to get myself some things that I want. And Stop thinking that I am a thief now. I AM NO MORE A THIEF.. I have QUit Stealing long ago! Fucking Bastard. If you dare, call the police and check me. Feel Free. I didnt took your stuff anyway. Just making me damn pissed off.. WAKE ME UP FROM MY BED, AND I COULDNT SLEEP, JUST ASKING WHETHER YOU FOUND IT, BLAH BLAH BLAH... Sigh off.

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