Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pig= Need some Help here, People.

Hey people, sorry for not blogging so long, but now, I need some help from you guys. There is this person who lost her dog, breed: dachshund, name : FiFi. She was last seen at blk 419 tampines st 41. she was seen being chased by cat, and we are not sure whether is she hurt now. She is also suffering from some skin problems. Although is not contagious, but she still needs her daily medication.

Below are the pictures of her dog, Fifi.

If anyone found Fifi, please contact Devon at 82239884.
Please Help people. Thank you guys so much. You can spread around this message so that we can have more helps from everyone. If you have a blog, you can post about this. This will be good enough. Thank you people.
Sigh. I really hope Devon find back Fifi soon. If Kiki or yoyo is the one missing, I seriously don't know what to do man. Maybe there is people thinking that I should mind my own business but I just wish if one day, anything happens to my dogs, everyone can help. This is the minimum we can do.
So still, thanks people!!
Devon, hope you find back Fifi soon, pray hard. =)
Sign off.

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