Sunday, February 20, 2011

Desmond= The Unknown Path Ahead..

I'm back, again but who really care right?. This is just a place for me to talk about my life or rather, complain about my life. And for this entry, it's all gonna be the "confusing" part where I'm currently facing in my life..

Till now, I don't have any idea about what I'm gonna do after the army.. And, Army is gonna end for me in less than a month. I should be looking forward to that but Seriously, I'm worried about everything. I know that I don't wanna be broke in the future and I don't wanna be worthless. But, this is a feeling that I can't get rid of at this point of time...

The Unknown Path ahead of me is really freaking me out.. I don't know what to do. To study or not. It's gonna be a huge sum of money for studying but, is it all worth it? Am I gonna make it? Do I, really wanna study?

Deep down, I know that studying is not something for me. But I also know that it is important to have an certificate regardless of whether a Diploma or a Degree. I need one. I have people telling me that if I think I can't make it studying, well find a job. And I have another group of people, telling me that having an education is important in order for you to get a stable job and a good income.

But all I know and thinking is only to fucking get out of this place. My country, Singapore. There are just too much, too much bad memories here. And I wanna live a new life, a life of my own. But.. How the hell am I gonna do that??..

I know.. I'm been really contradicting here.. I can talk the talk, but can I walk the walk? It's not easy... I'm confused.. And I can't seems to find that specific someone who knows what I'm facing here..

I really like singing and I wanna have a career for that. But can I do it? Or can I even make it? That is, so far, the One passion that I have or should I say, the Only thing that I feel I'm capable of doing.. But there are barely any Asian that make it to the English music industry..

I don't know. Worried, Confused, Upset. YES. I know. Self pitying. Isn't that what I'm good at too?


Now I really need someone to enlighten me. A God, perhaps? Of course, not that I believe of any..

I hope I can figure something out soon. I mean, I don't have much time to waste.

I have always tell myself that I NEED to make it and I don't wanna be average.


Sign off..

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